1:1 In-Person Lessons
“Baniel has developed powerful, practical strategies for improving your abilities and building a better, stronger brain that are supported by the neuroscience of brain plasticity.”
~ Michael Merzenich, PhD, Neuroscientists, known as "Father of Brain Plasticity", Author of Soft-Wired
Linda is a full-time traveling practitioner, seeing especially children who otherwise would not be able to see a practitioner, due to travel challenges or otherwise. Although by demand, the main focus has been working with children, Linda is working with adults too.
If you would like to see Linda for in-person lessons please contact her for the most current possibilities. Intensives fill up quickly and are not posted on the website.
Offering a Discount Intensive Package
10 x 30-45 Minutes Lessons

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Get started today before this once in a lifetime opportunity expires.
Are you not sure if or how NeuroMovement® could work for you, or have specific questions you would like to consult?
Or are you already my student and would like to follow up on your coaching progress? Prepare your questions and/or video clips beforehand. I would love to reconnect!
Ad Hoc Online Consultation
45 Minutes Session

Others Have Said
"This is the best continuation after reading Kids Beyond Limits by Anat Baniel for me. I finally got the feel how to generate opportunities for my students, which was completely unclear for me before. I am grateful to have found Linda." ~ Teacher from a Special Needs Classroom
"I finally found something that empowers me to empower my child. Therapies we have tried in the past left me depressed and powerless. I LOVE the coaching sessions with Linda. A real eye-opener!" ~ Mom of Child on the Autism Spectrum
"Why isn't everyone talking about this?? We have made more progress with my son in one month compared to years of Occupational Therapy before. And as a bonus, our son is HAPPY ;). Thank you!" ~ Dad of a Child on the Autism Spectrum
"I am amazed. Coaching me has helped my son to make even physical strides! How?! Thanks!" ~ Mom of a Daughter with CP and Genetic Disorder
"My daughter on the Autism Spectrum began noticing the world around her after our coaching with Linda. It truly feels like waking up. I can barely imagine what it must be like for her." ~ Mom of a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder
What does a Lessons Intensive contain?

10 In-Person Lessons
Student will receive 10x 30-45 minutes long private lessons with Linda. Lessons typically happen on the practitioner table, in sitting or standing, but can have various forms. Linda mostly uses gentle touch or spoken words. Timely succession and amount of lessons are what proved to be in general the most effective way to provide the best conditions for learning and growth, and is recommended by Anat Baniel in this way.

1:1 Attention
Series of private lessons are tailed around the current needs in the present moment and build on each. The lesson is not done TO the student but rather the student is the central part to generate changes based on the optimal conditions and opportunities provided to him. Therefore changes and outcomes are unpredictable and may appear even weeks after lessons.

LIVE Q&A and Coaching
Linda answers questions during each lesson if time allows. If the opportunity arises Linda provides in-person coaching to potentiate the continuity and integration of changes.

Observing ABM®
NeuroMovement® 9 Essentials
As a caregiver or receiver of the lessons you will be immersed into the potency of the use of the brain plasticity essentials, and can witness their practical application. Linda encourages everyone to soak in the feeling of it rather than analyzing what is happening and putting into words.
Are you Interested in HOSTING Linda in your home location and receive lessons there? It is possible! Send Linda a message and find out availability and details. Receive a host discount.