July 24.-28. 2024, Kvacianska Dolina, Slovakia

/contact me for backup spots around the world this year/

“‘We are born to die unfinished.” ~ Stephen Jay Gould

Anat Baniel Method NeuroMovement

NeuroMovement® is a very unique, gentle approach developed by Anat Baniel to better organize the brain and make sense out of nonsense. Each lesson is customized for each person here and now. Practitioner uses gentle touch or spoken word to lead the lesson.


Regardless of developmental challenge or diagnosis, the brain is almost always available for learning …

ADD and Learning Disabilities
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Birth Injuries
Brachial Plexus Injuries
Brain Damage
Cerebral Palsy
Developmental Delays
Down syndrome
Feeding Disorders
Fragile X Syndrome
Improving Flexibility and Strength
Increasing Mobility and Balance
Increasing Vitality and Creativity
Overcoming Aches and Pains
Overcoming Limitations due to Injury, Surgeries, or Strokes


Group Movement Classes

Group TML (Transformation Movement Lessons) are currently offered only via Zoom from the convenience of your home. These lessons are usually 45-60 minutes long and are done usually in lying down, sitting, kneeling, or standing. All that is needed is a mat and towels (as props if needed). If you are interested in a series of a lessons (usually 10) for your organization please e-mail Linda.

Private Lessons

Private one-on-one lessons for children and adults ages 0-100 years. Linda offers intensives (which is a cluster of lessons over a short period of time) which may range in number and frequency. A lesson for children is 30 min long and lesson for adults is 45 min long. Lessons take place on a practitioners table or on the floor. These lessons are due to current regulations not given at Linda’s office location.

Virtual At Home Coaching

At Home Coaching Program for families with children with special needs was invented by Anat Baniel as a result of COVID situation. Since May 2020 Anat Baniel has trained practitioners of this method in a 2 level training program. Linda feels very fortunate to have taken both levels. This revolutionary approach via Zoom, when the caregiver (most often parent) is coached to work with his/her child at home brought about astounding and fascinating outcomes and will very likely become a must needed part of Anat’s Practitioner Program in the future.

Now offering intensives with 2 practitioners to add variation and increase outcomes.


Linda is a local practitioner in the Los Angeles area, a global traveling practitioner, coach, mentor, and course creator.

Her Certifications include ABM NeuroMovement® Practitioner; ABM for Children with Special Needs; ABM for Anti-Aging & Vitality and ABM for High Performers; At Home Coaching Level 1 & Level 2, 3 Supervisions with Sylvia Shordike, and Suzi Mark’s Workshop. In addition, Linda has been deeply involved  as a special editor and consultant in the translation of the book Kids Beyond Limits by Anat Baniel into the Slovak language Deti za hranicami moznosti.

Linda joined the Anat Baniel’s teaching team in 2019 as a Teaching Assistant and actively helps teaching at International Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement® Trainings in United States and Europe.

Besides all certifications in NeuroMovement® Linda has spent nearly two decades actively researching teaching methodologies, brain plasticity, and holistic living. She has practical experience in the power of thought/intention and self-hypnosis. An event in her personal life in 2011 sparked her passion to help struggling parents move beyond limitations as well and share what she has learned.

She co-parents two young world-schooled boys ♡ with her husband.

Clients say

“Roby’s diet consisted of crackers only for years and we tirelessly tried to sneak in some vegetable powders sprinkled on top. After the first intensive with Linda, Roby ate a veggie burger for the first time, and slowly started trying more and more new foods. He will now drink a green smoothie!”


“I now go from sitting to standing with ease. When I walk my hips move and it’s like my ribs bobble on top and more. I am no longer a still board.
I went to the bank and hair appointment for the first time and didn’t have to put earplugs in. I am so amazed. My whole body works differently now and I can feel so much. Now I also can listen to classical and some mellow rock music. I am so amazed and happy. Thank you so very much. If you have more weekend sessions please include me it’s so changing my life.” (Traumatic Brain Injury, 3 years after accident)


Ruby learns something new in front of our eyes every time we have an intensive and the time after. She rolled over for the first time, learned army-crawling, coming up on all fours and now is learning to come to sitting within a 6 months period. This work is miraculous!

Ruby 20 month old, Cri Du Chat Syndrome

Landon is extremely talkative, creative and happy since the lessons. Thank you!

Landon 6 yrs, Autism (speech is major concern for parents)

I would like to thank you for everything you have done. I really appreciate it, it has helped my mom a lot, she’s been doing a lot better and has now a lot more movement in the affected side. Also, her chronic pain in neck spine area disappeared after the first lesson.

Blas 60+ yrs, Stroke survivor who received an intensive 10 days after her stroke

“Len som Ti chcela povedat, ze od Tvojej terapie som nemala ziadny problem so zavratmi. Dufam, ze som to neuriekla. Predtym som mala problemy kazdy den. Ani som sa nevedela sustredit na nic. Aj pamat mi vynechavala. No strasne. Teraz som uplne iny clovek. ne-DAKUJEM”

I just wanted to tell you that I didn’t experience vertigo since the therapy (knocking on wood). Before I had those problems daily. I couldn’t focus at all, my memory was failing. Horrible. I am a completely different person now. THANK YOU.

Nada Nada has sent her testimonial two months after NeuroMovement lessons. She received 2 sessions in one day back then.

As a former professional tennis player, I’ve experienced pretty much every type of injury over the years and have probably tried every type of therapy you can think of – massages, acupuncture, traditional physical therapy. However, I have to say that ABM is remarkably a very different approach. Linda´s gentle approach calmed me and helped me be more aware of my skeletal movement.

Stanka Former professional tennis player

John reported to be standing much flatter on the ground, his posture has changed, his breathing improved and even his voice has changed. Now he says, he understands what NeuroMovement lessons are like for his son.

John Dad of child with CP, has been given a parent lessons

Ambyr said after the lesson: “This is crazy, I am totally new person.”

Ambyr Received a parent lesson, has child with challenges

Endless possibilities

“Baniel has developed powerful, practical strategies for improving your abilities and building a better, stronger brain that are supported by the neuroscience of brain plasticity.”

~Michael Merzenich, PhD, Neuroscientist, Author of Soft-Wired