
Growth is Holistic and Expands Beyond Your Child – A Surprising Fact That is Mostly Overseen in Our Society

Has your child ever progressed only to regress again?

Visualize your child as a sprouting seed. You give it water, sun, nutrients, protection, and love and keep him/her safely in a small pot.

When your child thrives he/she evolves and expands on many levels.

And grows bigger … way beyond what is visible.

But what happens if despite of giving your plant water, sun, nutrients, protection, and love it is not thriving anymore?

It was not given the space it needed.

You are your child’s flower pot. Are you growing with your child?

Too often I meet parents who look at their challenged child with a magnifying glass. The child becomes the forefront of their all time attention and focus. But what the child actually needs is parents that would let go of things that are no longer serving them, and open up to receive and perceive the new in order to create a new fulfilled future, and in the end truly allow for miraculous changes to unfold. For this to happen, an authentic connection within themselves and to their child needs to be established. And that is called pure love.

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